Things I Like To Read

I can't recall exactly when I learned to read, but it was at a fairly early age, well before I entered school. (Digression) An entry in my baby book for the year I entered kindergarten said that I was tested as reading at a second grade level. Whatever that may mean, I have at any rate always been a voracious reader.

When I was ten years old, I discovered science fiction, and was instantly captivated. Almost all of my fiction reading was science fiction until relatively recently, but in 1991 I decided to broaden my literary horizons a bit, and have been reading some "mainstream" and "classic" fiction as well. Some of my favorite authors of fiction include:

I also read a good amount of nonfiction on various subjects. History is a favorite subject of mine, particularly the Age of Imperialism (about 1870 to 1914). Science is another, with my favorite fields including physics, astronomy and planetary science (a broad field which includes terrestrial geology, comparative planetology, and ecology). There are many other areas in which I enjoy reading. To get a better idea of my tastes, you can check the list of books I read in 1996 or 1997.

Given time, I will gladly read just about anything that will increase the breadth or depth of my knowledge, or just provide some entertainment. My biggest constraint these days is lack of time for reading, and with a realistic eye to my time commitments, I think that reading about thirty books is a reasonable target for a year. If I can find time for more than that, so much the better.

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