

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aaron Pon. I am currently employed with UPS. I currently reside in Visitacion Valley, a small community within the borders of San Francisco, California. I graduated with the Class of 1986 from Lowell High School. I have attended the City College of San Francisco and San Francisco State University in the computer science and telecommunications programs. I am also a certified pistolsmith.

I first got on-line using Prodigy, GEnie and CompuServe. For the most part, the Prodigy system was easy to use, but very limited it what you could do back then. So I then moved Netcom, then to Best Internet and now settled into Pacbell. This page is hosted by Apricot Systematics, run by a friend of mine.

For the time I spent on Prodigy, I have met quite a number of people, help start the Anime and Manga group there and generally had a good time. I used the nickname J0KER while I was there and it sticks with me to this day. I was given the dubious title of "Anime God" (a friend and a fellow co-founder of the Anime and Manga group, Albert Wong, also shared the same title), little did they know I was just another fish in the ocean where Prodigy was a small pond. When I got onto Netcom, I discovered IRC (a great way to waste tons of time when you could be doing other things). Pretty soon using the phone fell by the way side as IRC and chat channels took its place. Soon after finding IRC, I found myself volunteering for a Japanese animation convention called Anime Expo. My first year staffing the convention was 1993. Since then, I have held positions as Video Theater staff, AXTV programming, Info Desk, Info Services Manager, Merchandising staff, Live Programming staff, Video Programming Manager, and Finance. I have also lent a hand in ConOps, Logistics and Registration. I have met many friends through Anime Expo. I can safely say that I would not still be involved with Anime Expo if it were not for the friends I see and meet there every year.



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